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 Because you are on our website, we know you love animals.  And maybe you are looking for a meaningful way to leave your personal legacy of helping them?

  Consider a bequest to the PETLUV NONPROFIT CORPORATION (FEIN 59-3353094) as a way you can make a continuing contribution to animals, even after you’re gone. Through PETLUV, your presence can be felt by the furry friends that PetLuv cares for daily. 

Your bequest can take many forms: a will bequest; an insurance policy beneficiary designation; a retirement fund beneficiary; 401k plan beneficiary; stock account beneficiary; bank account beneficiary, etc.   Any of these will make sure your love for animals lives on, in the form of funds that will make a difference in countless four-legged lives, ensuring

that neither your memory nor the needs of animals are forgotten…

There are also several benefits of leaving a bequest to PETLUV, such as:

  • Protecting that part of your estate from probate, an expensive and tedious legal process.
  • Maintaining possession of your funds until the time of your departure—and not before.
  • Entitling your estate to a federal charitable contribution tax deduction.
  • You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing your bequest will carry on helping PETLUV in its mission of preventing unwanted animals from being born only to suffer and die.
  • Your personal example might inspire others in your circle of friends and family to do something meaningful to help animals.
  • As we like to say, “We can die happy knowing how much we have helped creatures who deserve everything we can do to help them, and who can’t help themselves.” 

Please consider setting up a bequest today; or email us if you would like our Director to contact you to answer any questions, or to discuss specific ways you would like your donation to be used. 

Thanks again for joining us in our journey to help animals!